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Teeth Straightening: Costs and Options

Dentists usually carry out the procedure of straightening teeth for people whose teeth are misaligned and don't feel comfortable about it. This dental work is very common. It may be dentist-prescribed or based on an individual's need for cosmetic treatment. Whatever be the reason, dentistry has advanced so much that serious cases of crooked teeth can be corrected.

A common treatment for misaligned teeth is braces. But what if you don't want to use braces to realign your teeth? That's not a big deal! Other effective options exist; you can use any of them. Here, we will be discussing:

  • Straighter teeth and its advantages
  • Different alternatives to braces
  • How to shift teeth with non-braces options including veneers and retainers
  • Advantages and disadvantages of at-home teeth straightening
  • The cost of teeth straightening for different treatment plans

Not proud of your smile? Worried about your child's teeth? This article brings different options for treatment. As you read, you will get to find out.

Table of contents

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The perks of having straight teeth

With the way bite correction improves the aesthetics of the teeth, you might simply believe that it's all about cosmetic looks. However, there are certain medical reasons why people go for teeth realignment.

Problems can arise as a result of having crooked teeth, but it is all a function of how severe the malocclusion is. They include:

  • Speaking difficulty
  • Eating problems
  • Strain in the muscle
  • Chances of getting the other teeth damaged
  • Keeping up good dental hygiene becomes difficult

This problem of dental hygiene also holds in the case of people with mildly misaligned teeth because should the teeth remain crooked, cleaning them thoroughly becomes hectic. And as always, when the teeth are not cleaned, plaque will form on them and cause tooth decay. Fortunately, a good dental hygiene routine can keep this risk at bay.

There is no doubt that the aesthetic value of teeth straightening is also important for so many persons. Should you not have a naturally good looking smile and straight teeth, the self-consciousness you feel can be the only reason why you may want to have a bite treatment. The medical reason at this point may not be present.

A good number of bite misalignment can drive people towards teeth straightening. But the reasons may be purely aesthetic or medical. To know which teeth problem is medically risky, the initial cause of crooked teeth, and what treatments are possible, consult your dentist.

Ways of realigning teeth in the UK

A first thought patients have for correcting their smile may be traditional braces. However, your dentist may choose to use any type of braces, including clear braces to shift the teeth. Do you know that other methods of straightening teeth without braces abound?

Check out the following treatment options:

  • Fixed metal braces
  • Invisalign clear braces
  • Ceramic braces (tooth- or clear-coloured)
  • At-home teeth straightening kits
  • Veneers
  • Retainers

These will be properly expounded as you continue to read.

Certain bite misalignment may need correction with surgery. Problems like underbite, crossbite, severe open bite, or overbite can be surgically handled. However, it usually requires orthodontic work to help the process.

Is it possible to straighten teeth at any age?

The most suitable time for teeth straightening is during childhood or teenage age. The reason is that at this point, the jawbones and teeth are still tender in growth and development; making any adjustments easy to effect. Routine oral checkup for children is important. If from assessment, your child will need orthodontic treatment, the dentist can arrange for this at the best time following the development of the child.

Does this mean adults can't be treated? No. Even in adulthood, teeth correction is still effective. Age can alter the position of the teeth. If you used to have very straight teeth as a youth, when you grow older, your teeth may begin to get crooked and could cause concern. In another instance, your childhood may have seen you have a malocclusion, but you didn't get to use braces then.

Regardless of how old you are, the moment your teeth condition begins to bother you, there are different ways to change your smile for the better. The first step is to see your dentist for a teeth evaluation.

Braces types for straightening teeth

Here, we would be discussing the various types of braces that are useful for correcting bite problems in children, teens, and adults. You can always get more information on any of the treatments listed here from your dentist.

Metal braces

This option is the only one offered on the NHS and also the most affordable teeth straightening technique.

What happens is that the dentist will attach metal brackets to the crooked teeth and pass a wire through them to shift the teeth into alignment. To keep the wires in position, small elastic bands are used. The colour of these bands can be customised to fit your braces. You will have to visit your dentist every month or according to treatment plan for adjustments.

Self-litigating braces is yet another option patients can use. These ones don't have any need for elastics, and they automatically adjust themselves, so you don't need to see the dentist for tweaks. Should you have highly crowded teeth, orthodontic spacers may have to be fitted to space out the teeth before getting braces.

Clear braces

Those who need a discreet treatment for crooked teeth may go for clear braces. Their workings are the same as metal braces, but the difference is in the material used. Clear braces use ceramic materials that have clear or tooth colour. This makes them less noticeable.

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Reviews Star London Braces ClinicI got my smile back and thanks to the dental surgeon for best fit Invisible clear braces. Thank you!

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Reviews Star London Braces ClinicI have been keeping my eyes open for offers on Invisalign treatment and saw that London-Braces had an offer. I have now been assessed and measurements taken for my braces and I’m hoping to get going soon. Everyone at the clinic is lovely.

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Invisible braces

Invisalign clear aligners are a favourite among people, especially adults who may not want others to know they are straightening their teeth. What's more? Children who desire to be free from taunts and bullying may choose this method.

These aligners are removable and realign teeth by exerting a gentle force on the right spots. Patients switch aligners after 2 weeks and attend appointments every 4 to 6 weeks to know how well the treatment is going.

Teeth problems that need mild to moderate fixes can be done by invisible braces. Again, these braces can come in handy if you need a fast and efficient treatment, especially in your front teeth.

90% of people are qualified for Invisalign. You need to be certified as eligible before having clear aligner braces. To do this, you can visit an Invisalign provider in your area by booking an online appointment to have the eligibility test. Alternatively, log onto the Invisalign website for a free smile evaluation. This is very fast in producing results; in fact, in two minutes you have the outcome of the check.

With all the perks Invisalign has to offer, it is famous and the best brand on the market. But there are so many other options that work well, including home aligner kits. More information on that will be provided in the later section of this post. Want to know more about Invisalign, you can have an in-person consultation with our dentist.

Lingual braces

The workings of this braces makes it possess very minimum visibility. They are attached behind the teeth, close to the tongue. This is why they are also described as hidden braces. Lingual braces are visible only when patients open their mouth very wide.

With all these braces provided, they are not cheap. They are the most pricey braces type, particularly when you go for customised brands. The cost of this treatment is provided in the table you will find as you keep reading.

Should you be all about aesthetics and would prefer a less expensive option, you can opt for invisible braces. The fact that they are easy to remove even makes them more suitable for bite treatment. This means you can better care for both aligners and teeth, plus you can eat what you want.

Teeth straightening without braces

Crooked teeth can be effectively corrected with braces; however, for an inconspicuous treatment, invisible braces are a more suitable option. Besides, they eliminate the 'metal mouth' look that comes with fixed braces. Other methods of teeth straightening that prove effective are also available. It depends on your peculiar condition.

Teeth realignment with retainers

The function of retainers as the name implies is to keep teeth that have been treated with orthodontic methods in position. But patients can still get their teeth slightly straightened with retainers.

Whether you use metal retainers or clear retainers, both of them can correct misaligned teeth to some extent, but braces produce more result in comparison to these systems. Clear aligner braces and clear retainers may have close looks, but their workings are not the same.

Should you require cheap teeth straightening treatment for mild bite problems, particularly if you have used braces before, retainers may be suggested by your dentist. There can be little tweaks to retainers in the course of treatment, but unlike braces, they are limited in application and efficacy.

In a case where you have stubborn teeth that need more movement, other options might just be necessary for consideration. For more information about retainers, types, and function, please see your dental healthcare provider.

Can misshapen teeth get treated by veneers?

With veneers, the teeth can have a straight appearance even though their position cannot be altered. Tooth drilling is required for this procedure. The number of reduction depends on how many teeth are affected. After this, a porcelain veneer is applied to the top of the teeth.

As a cosmetic approach, the underlying teeth could still be misshapen, but the visible parts appear well-aligned. Mild cases can only be handled with this method.Minor cases of diastema (gaps between teeth) can be corrected with veneers. You can know more about this from dental consultation.

When it comes to price, veneers may be less expensive than braces, but it is determined by the number of teeth needing correction. This technique is also quite fast, and typically only 2 appointments are needed.

Do not forget that veneers are not a permanent solution. Why? In 5 to 10 years, you will have to replace your veneers with a new set or crowns. Since tooth enamel is removed in this procedure, there are damages inflicted on the teeth which may not be repaired. Kindly think of the effects in the long-term before proceeding.

Contouring and bonding

This is a more convenient and easy method of performing cosmetic work without much stress. What happens is that areas of the teeth that have rough edges and extend abnormally are filed down and other parts not having enough tooth cover are built up with composite materials. But bear in mind that there would be no teeth movement with this method. It will only give the teeth a more straight appearance, just like veneers. A good dentist can do this work in no time, and you can begin to enjoy a better smile. It may not cost so much too.

At-home teeth correction

You don't want to visit the dentist, yet you need teeth straightening, there are ways to achieve this in the comfort of your home, which will be explained shortly.

Kits for straightening teeth

Not quite long ago, some very good dental companies started making available teeth straightening kits for home use. Over time, they have grown to become very popular. For instance, the Smile Direct Club has recorded huge success with this method of bite correction since they began operations. Not only them, other companies like Straight Teeth Direct, and Your Smile Direct are in the business of providing clear aligners.

Since you are not going to the dentist, this treatment is way more cheaper because everything is done online and via post. The kit comes with instructions on how to take your impressions at home, or you may be asked to visit a local dental clinic, though not all brands give this option. With that, the company designs your clear aligners and have them delivered to your doorstep by post.

At-home teeth straightening can fix mild cases very well, but some risks are attached. A major drawback is that you are not consulting a dental professional who has the best knowledge in treating malocclusions. It may seem alright to send impressions, pictures, and even have a video call, but it is never the same as a face to face meeting to discuss, assess, and give an expert recommendation.

Most importantly, remember you are the one taking the impressions of your teeth and sometimes, these companies trust and rely on the precise capture you will be providing to design your aligners. Should the procedure go south, you may receive ill-fitting aligners, and of course, all that is called treatment turns into a waste of time.

Even with this limitation, a lot of people have obtained very good results with home straightening kits.

Should you be interested in having your bite treatment at home, then you can go for Straight My Teeth's clear aligners. With their patented technology and good customer reviews, this company is really good though they are relatively new in the business. Do you know what's more interesting? The price of their aligners is only £999! This is lesser than what other big brands providing clear aligners in the UK would charge.

If your case is mild and you believe taking treatment at home is best, then use the recommended brand.

You can also visit the Straight My Teeth website to check if you are a right candidate for these aligners.

Mewing as a natural teeth straightening method

This approach to teeth straightening can also be done at home. You may have heard of mewing before now. Put simply, what you do here is to consciously push your tongue against the roof of the mouth so that it gets used to resting there.

There is no sufficient proof of how mewing can help straighten teeth naturally, which is why we don't recommend it. This method can help the palate to stretch if it's done the right way, and lower the issue of having overcrowded teeth.

Where you have teeth that are presently misshapen, a dental appliance may just be what you need for straightening.Overall, it is recommended you talk to a specialist dentist for the best advice on which treatment option suits your condition.

What's the fee for straightening teeth in the UK?

Right there on the table below, the options we have talked about, and their approximate prices are provided as a guide to teeth straightening.

Braces type




Metal braces

£1,500 to £3,000

Typically the cheapest brace type  that the NHS offers

Visibility is high

Ceramic braces

£2,000 to £5,500

Not easily seen due to the application of clear or tooth-coloured material

Costs more than metal braces

Invisible braces

£1,900 to £4,650

Easy to remove and nearly invisible

Patients have to be committed; may not fix severe bite problems

Lingual braces

£2,000, to £10,000

Fitted at the back of teeth; makes it less noticeable

The price is very high


£50 to £300 for each appliance

Very affordable treatment

Best for minor fixes

Porcelain veneers

£945 to £1,900 per tooth

Fast treatment option

The solution is non-permanent, and enamel is at risk

Composite bonding

£290 to £390 per tooth

Fast and cheap treatment option

The solution is non-permanent, and enamel is at risk

At-home kits

£1,000 to £1,800

Can be convenient and cheap

Bypasses in-person dental consultation


It is very obvious and glaring that what you pay for teeth straightening largely depends on which method you are using. That an option is cheap may not mean it is the best. We advise you to weigh your options carefully and decide if you really need treatment, so you don't spend money on something that's not worth it. Work with a dentist on this as they know better and will give useful guidelines.

Should you be thinking of getting a better smile with Invisalign, just like we said earlier, look for a provider in your area. Invisalign has a large network of providers, so it won't take you long to find one near you. Book a consultation with them. You will then get a precise cost of the prescribed treatment plan.

Are there very cheap teeth straightening method?

From the foregoing, at-home teeth straightening are sometimes the most affordable technique for fixing malocclusion. Their suitability covers mild to moderate teeth problems. You can check your eligibility for Straight My Teeth aligners. Bear in mind that for £999, you can get the entire treatment.

Looking the other way, retainers too offer cheap prices for dental fixes, but only slight problems can be treated with it.Major teeth straightening will require the use of braces. If that be the case, then at-home teeth solution and traditional metal braces are low on purchase.

The price of Invisalign if needed for a short-term treatment can be compared to that of metal braces.

For teeth straightening near me, get prices from a number of dentists, maybe 2 or 3 and compare. Apart from the bite condition, another factor that impacts the cost of treatment is the dentist. One may charge more than the others; you get to save some money through this check and balance.

Your dental finance options should also be considered when seeking ways to lower the cost of teeth straightening. Find out if you can spread payment with a dental loan or payment plan. Some finance options offer a 0% interest rate. Speak with your insurance provider to know what they have for you.

Teeth straightening on the NHS; available or not?

When we started, we mentioned that either for medical reasons or aesthetics, people would want to get teeth straightening.

As for the NHS, they only offer free teeth straightening for children who have medical reasons for the treatment. This takes care of metal braces and retainers, and any surgical procedure that may be of necessity.Find out more on the eligibility of children for teeth correction on the NHS from your dentist. Sometimes, an NHS dentist will have to approve the medical criteria before a child gets NHS cover.

Adult teeth straightening on the NHS is not available unless the condition is extreme. What is obtainable is that you may get treated privately if you want to correct your malocclusion. However, there are other ways to get affordable teeth straightening plans in the UK.


In choosing how best to correct either a mild or severe bite issue, there are many different options for consideration.

What is most common for treating crooked teeth is braces. It could be the more pronounced metal or ceramic braces attached to the teeth, or clear aligner braces that offers an inconspicuous treatment pattern.

Should you be interested in invisible braces such as Invisalign, then you need to get evaluated to know if you're qualified. You can do that at your dentist's or take an eligibility test on the Invisalign website. This is essential prior to the treatment.

Home teeth straightening are also available in several brands in the UK. These form of aligners cost less than the dentist-prescribed aligners offered after due consultation. For this reason, they have become well known and more so because the full treatment can be done within the confines of your space. However, this procedure is selective, as everyone may not qualify for it.

Just like we recommended, you can test for Straight My Teeth's aligners to know if you can use them. The price is £999 for the full treatment.The speed and convenience of veneers can drive people towards its use. However, what they do is masquerade the teeth problem and make it look attractive without any actual straightening. Replacement is imminent when veneers go bad. Think of the cost and decide if that's what you want.

We believe that this post has broadened your knowledge of teeth straightening options in the UK. The choice is yours to make at the end of the day. Please remember always to consult an experienced dentist when thinking of what's best for treatment. When you work closely with a dentist, you won't make any costly mistakes in the long run.

Contact our dentist today on 020 37457520 to schedule an appointment and to find out the most suitable teeth straightening option for you.


What's the timeline for teeth straightening with braces?

This is a common question every braces patient ask. We do understand how natural it is to want to know how long before your teeth get straightened. However, there is no conclusive answer. You can get over with braces treatment in 3 to 6 months time if the issue is mild, for instance, when you only need to straighten the front teeth. If the case is very serious, 2 years and above may be needed for treatment. Another thing is that the kind of braces you use also determines how much time you need before the treatment is complete.

On average, it will take 12 to 18 months to finish a braces treatment, however seeing your dentist will give you a more precise timeline for treatment.

Using an old retainer to straighten teeth; yes or no?

The simple answer is no. It is not encouraged at all. Even with the knowledge that you want to save some money, using old retainers puts your teeth at risk for damage, particularly if the teeth have relapsed since the last time you put them on.

While retainers are an after-braces solution that keeps the teeth steady in position, it is important you adhere to your dentist's instructions on how to use them.

Is it okay to use a night retainer to correct my bite?

In the normal scheme of things, retainers should only be worn at night to maintain your new straight teeth after braces treatment. It is aligners that need a wearing time of 20 to 22 hours per day for the best results. Should there be no consistent force to keep shifting your teeth, they would relapse (return to former position) which isn't the aim of the treatment at first.

There are certain brands of at-home aligners that allow for treatment only at night.  As you have just 10 hours to put on your aligners everyday, it means your treatment will take more time.

Except you don't fancy having your aligners in your mouth during the day, the normal style of treatment is great and offers optimum results.But you can hide your treatment by using Invisalign and other clear aligner options. This won't make you feel self-conscious. Consult your dentist for more information on your treatment options and if you're invisible braces qualified.

So, this means there is always an option for you no matter what your needs may be. Professional help is greatly beneficial. Don't fail to see your dentist for assistance.

Is self-straightening of teeth possible?

Yes. But only in the development and growth stage. How? The first set of adult teeth may erupt misshapen and as other teeth protrude correct themselves.

For adults, teeth don't get straighter with age; they rather become crooked.

Can surgery be used to straighten the teeth?

Orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery) can be done but together with braces. The essence of this treatment is to properly position the jaw so that the teeth can be well accommodated and grow straight. This method does not straighten each tooth via surgery.

What's the importance of teeth straightening?

A lot of persons like the aesthetic appeal they get from straighter teeth. Health benefits are also linked with teeth straightening. It's not easy to clean crooked teeth. So, proper dental care is another benefit as it gets rid of plaque and other bacteria that could cause tooth decay and several other dental problems later on.

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